ONE Heart, ONE ID.

Even your twin can’t borrow your Heart ID t-shirt!

Out of everyone who has put their Heart ID on IG profile,
we will pick one person to receive a t-shirt with their personal, unique Heart ID.

✔︎This event ends on September 10, 2021.

This is your chance to get someone to ring your LoveAlarm and possibly even get this T-shirt!

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올라! 유튜브 배지

Love Alarm Webtoon 유투브 채널에서 ‘좋아하면 울리는’ 스페인어 웹툰이 공개되었어요! 스페인어 버전의 ‘좋아하면 울리는’ 웹툰을 보고, 함께 축하해 주세요! 
 ‘LoveAlarm Webtoon’ 채널 ‘구독하기’도 잊지마세요!